I hope Burke gets personally sued for misuse of a public office.

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What can be so fearful for government they're unwilling to hear or want to hear a different opinion to their levels turning the heads & ears of the ignorant masses Todays people are able to judge for themselves if they believe or disbelieve in what is being delivered in speech so why ban a speaker without hearing what she/he may like to say Listen respectfully to the words & assess without being damaged beyond harm Govt listened to foreign hate speakers & flag wavers in our streets doing little about it for fear it may offend the offenders never mind what Australian citizens think yet are vetoing an American black woman from speaking here without allowing her the right of free speech Sydney enclaves of certain groups worth many votes to govt so mustn't offend them

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I believe that the very act of denying Candice Owen's Visa without specific and adequate evidence and reasons Tony Bourke has actually sown more discord within the country than any speaker from over seas. Many people who may have not been that interested is hearing what she had to say will now be more likely to listen to see why the government are so hell bent on stopping her from being heard!

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My understanding of why she was “fired” from daily wire is because of her anti-semitism.

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Candace can always play the race card. Now that would be a hoot to watch. Labor minister accused of racism for banning a black woman from entering the country.

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