Repression of freedom of speech is not new having been around for centuries. Recall during WW2 when Churchill refused Australian PM Curtin the right to withdraw our troops from Africa claiming that Pacific war was negligible. Curtin replied sternly to Churchill demanding that our men come home .British PM relented with transport offer but was actually attempting to send them to Mountbatten's Burma Campaign on the way back Curtin's reply was that our men were coming home and Churchill lost that battle also The story of his defeat by Curtin was repressed In UK newspapers but was spread by Irish and Spanish press who used their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech must be accompanied by responsibility to make the mark

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And the core of these beliefs begins in the classroom. We now have at least two generations of indoctrinated fools who blindly follow the agendas set down by evil, power hungry megalomaniacs.

I watched an interview with George and Topher Field. (Most of you have probably seen it.)

Topher promoted a set of books for children and they looked damned good.

Mind you, I haven't read them but readers may want to have a look. If I had young kids and could afford them I'd get them in a shot!


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Back again...just received this email and was asked to sign.

From: Dr Barclie Gallogray <bgallogray@mccmky.qld.edu.au>

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 1:53:52 PM

To: go2handyman@hotmail.com <go2handyman@hotmail.com>

Subject: Welcome to 2023 at MCC

Good afternoon

Only a few more sleeps until we all start back at school again for 2023. All of the staff have all been working hard to prepare, from teachers planning lessons to builders building new stages and play grounds to our office and FSD staff making sure the school is ready to go for our 40th year.

I hope and pray you have all had a restful holiday and are ready and eager to get back to school for 2023.

We have had a number of staff changes and I will be sending out and email to introduce those teachers in the next couple of weeks. Additionally, Peter and Robyn Hopper have announced that 2023 will be their last year at MCC as they return south to take care of family. While this won't happen until the end of the year, it will be a big change and we will need the time to prepare an appropriate send off to two folks who have been such an important part of MCC for such a long time.

As well as welcoming you back for the year, I wanted to write to you all to ask for your support. As many of you know I spent several years teaching overseas. During that time, I spoke to many teachers from different nationalities about the differences between education systems in different countries. Almost without fail, non-Australian teachers were surprised and envious of the Australian school of choice policy where non-government schools received some government funding to ensure quality education.

It was easy for teachers in other countries to see the enormous advantage in being able to offer a variety of educational paradigms for families rather than a one-size-fits-all mentality. They also saw the obvious advantage of allowing faith-based groups, from whatever faith basis, to offer faith-based education to those who chose it for their children.

The reason for this email is that there is currently a push to remove the ability of Christian schools to preferentially hire Christian teachers and staff. The reality is that it is the Christian teachers and staff that make Mackay Christian College a Christian school. It is not the policies, or the fact that a church meets on our campus, or anything else. It is the staff that make us who we are, staff who hold a Christian values and worldview, a worldview that says that all people are loved by God and should be loved by us as Christian people seeking to be like Jesus.

While many of the people reading this may not have the same faith, you all have your children at MCC because of the values that come from that faith. I am hoping that this means that you understand what we believe and how important it is to what makes MCC special. If you do, can I ask that you click on this link <HERE> to sign a petition to stop the law change that would remove our ability to ensure we can hire Christian teachers and staff in a Christian school?

MCC is a special place because of the values and worldview we teach and hold; please help us preserve this.

God Bless,


DISCLAIMER:- This email (including attachments) is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify Mackay Christian College immediately by return email or by telephone on (07) 4963 1100 and delete the original email, destroy any printed copy and do not disclose or use the information contained in it. We do not warrant that this email or its attachments are error or virus free. Thank you.

If anyone's interested here's the link to the petition. (Hope this is alright to share on here George).


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