I want to encourage you George. Indeed you are on the Lord’s side. Wickedness cannot stand truth. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world 1 John 4:4. Praying a hedge of protection over you and your family and that the snares they try to set you will ensnare them and it will come to nothing.

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Yes and the radio media also seems to be a propaganda tool for the deep state. An announcer called "perko" was like Big Pharma's snake oil salesman daily imploring everyone from Mackay to Moranbah to get straight down to the mobile jab clinic and save granny. There's been a surge in sudden cancers . I wonder why.

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Hey George, do you expect anything less from MSM? You are In Christ alone! Satan WILL target you.

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George I went out of my way and sent them an email detailing that we need a media for the people, and we are a democratic country and we need to stay that way! God bless you in what you do George in standing up for the rights of the people. 🙏🏻

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Thank you.

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Mercury is not the paper it used to be as Daily Mercury the social context been erased by big interests uncaring about locals their lifestyles & their friendly touch Change has come upon us in many forms creating a sink or swim attitude so just keep going do what you are doing or devil take the hindmost

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Evil 😈 doesn’t like the truth

God bless you and your family keep safe.i hope one nation gets more seats at this election ❤️🙏

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Is this rag trying to get to close itself down ? Print media struggles to survive. Maybe a boycott from the residence of Mackay till there is balance- your side of the story at the very least. But then MSM is pretty much a lost cause.

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I guess we can expect nothing less from a News Corp (Murdoch) owned publication. I wonder what Kevin Rudd's take on this would be? Yes, he is on the opposite side of the political spectrum but in this you are very definite allies.

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I agree with Geoffrey & Jillian S’s views. Please pray against the attacks of the evil one on you and your family as we will pray for you. Yes, focus on the good and God’s protection - stand tall and fight. It’s interesting that this newspaper is not a local concern but run by outsiders. who are obviously not interested in journalism - are the locals aware of that? Calling them out and boycotting them is a good idea. Can the journalists who have been sacked write an expose on them?

Carry on the good work that is being done by Citizen Go. God bless you and your family,

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