Aug 26Edited

I would suggest this statement, 'but let’s be honest: there’s far less vice and criminal activity on Telegram than you’d find in some of the world’s most “civilised” cities.' indicates the author has not spent sufficient time on Telegram searching for vice and criminal activity, I can personally attest it exists and is significant and is directly linked to the Dark Web. Whilst Durov claims to be a champion of 'free speech' never forget, his operation was moved to the UAE two years ago, a nation that has a pretty dismal rights and free speech record is run by a government who's ideological beliefs do not align to ours and is heavily entwined with the WEF. That speaks volumes. Anyone using Telegram is advised to do so with a great abundance of caution.

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This is unbelievable to think we no longer have free speech! It’s mind control that’s what it is! They think we can’t tell the difference between the truth and a lie! Come on!!!!!

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What exactly was Durov arrested for? There must have been a charge. More information, Telegram certainly does seem like the wild west as does X -too much for me.

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The charges were relating to the fact that criminal activity (including speech the government considers unlawful) happens on Telegram and is not policed by Durov or his company.

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Brownstone said criminal gangs of all kinds and he won’t let law enforcement collect information on the criminal gangs. Also I didn’t know it was a Russian creation. Shouldn’t that ring bells?

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