Praise God that mainstream media is imploding!

AI driven media will implode also, how fake can you get?

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Apr 3Edited

I get that you have noticed the widespread layoffs but unfortunately, It's got nothing to do with the narrative and more to do with the business model. I can confirm one thing, writers and journo's are being let go because they are being replaced by AI. Someone in my circle was delivering a syndicated column for thirty years. Just before Christmas they and many others received emails informing them their services were redundant, thanks for the input we are moving to an AI driven editorial in all streams. There are going to be a lot of journo's out of work in in the near and distant future. Buy a weekend or weekly newspaper and count the spelling and grammatical errors which AI has injected that has not been picked up in the proof reading stage prior to going to print. Every week the errors are becoming more prevalent.

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ordinary unaware of big business & its tentacles & how much they impinge on our lives covering their tracks carefully to elude our questions while our lifestyles are changed without our consent so if their actions are imploding on them then they are at fault but who will help them technology has much to answer to for the unsuspecting masses

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