So disgusting, but nothing I wouldn't expect from Labor. However, as stated, the LNP are also showing themselves to be cowards, just as they did with the Covid debacle. I would never vote Labor but have also given up on the Liberal Party; both equally useless!

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Even 22 weeks is too long

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Thank you for speaking out about the Libs spinelessness about abortion. After hearing Chrisafulli refusing to do anything about abortion in Qld or even speak about it, and banning candidates from answering questionnaires from faith-based groups I could not possibly vote for a party headed by him. LNP candidates in the ACT were ignoring values questionnaires from faith-based groups, so it is not only a Qld problem. I wrote to Peter Dutton about this asking if there is an anti-Christian bias coming into the Lib/LNP. I am very concerned about it. I am voting FamilyFirst in Qld with first preference to One Nation.

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As disgusting as this is, it’s even worse as the baby is not even given any anesthetic.

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If we are committing life of the unborn and VAD to a couple of lines in an Act of Parliament for a Judge to rule on, then we are "book-ending" human life. How about filling in the space between the bookends, naming the death penalty for heinous crimes, like murder, rape, illicit drug importation en masse, etc?

Unfortunately, I am all for the sanctity of human life. It should not be a political issue.

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