I’m glad to see what has happened inside US hospitals is being revisited, rather than slipping into the past without accountability. The incredible remuneration structure (conceivably a perverse incentive structure in the hands of someone that’s corruptible) is one such thing, the choice of Remdisoveer (sp?) & associated protocols another, but there are many other things in addition that when taken as a whole beggar belief...

This particular article is US based, I would be interested to know how Australian hospitals compared. I get the feeling we follow much of what happens with the US but with a lag. Their hospital system has many that are privately owned and many doctors are employed by hospitals, whereas we have many that are self-employed. They have an increasingly prescriptive standard of care (as a result of Obamacare so I was told) where diagnoses are made, entered into the networked medical software and a prescribed course of treatment comes out. If a doctor deviates from this, they are called to account for it. Perhaps it’s a good thing, I don’t know, but it has the sense of diminishing human judgement and freedom to practice as they see best written all over it.

I do think we as a population need to know the general trend of what’s happening in our institutions, especially locally. The American system strikes me as a cautionary tale. I think it illustrates that funding doesn’t always buy the best outcomes, but it does tend to invite market forces which is ultimately at odds with human needs.

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I see the USA as you do and would also like to see the Australian data . We have it and , I agree with the conclusions George has reached , unpleasant though they are . It really is by now - undeniable . Unless of course one is in a state of denial.......which God willing will pass .

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What data do you want?

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Dear George,

I was under the impression that I was a paid-up sponsor of your website, if I have made a mistake I apologise. But if what you have been dishing out is any sample of more to come then I would like to withdraw my subscription and my auto debit details.

Lol I'm not even sure how to contact you and I'm certainly not giving my details out openly over the comments section, you have lost me mate.

Regards Gazza123

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Email mail@georgechristensen.com with your email address and what the issue is, please Gary.

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PS You’ve been subscribed for almost a year, Gary!

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Dear Gary,

What specifically do you object to with George’s latest? Genuine question.

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I would love to hear what Gary's problem is, I had no problems getting hold of George when I had a minor issue with my sub, he was very quick to respond and resolve. If it were me, I would prioritise your complaint Gary, to the bottom of the pile because you're not paying attention and criticising in order to discredit. I will let you click that link below and find the email address you claim you can't find. We educated are failing, yer right. https://nationfirst.substack.com/about

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Important question.

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You can, Gary- I have had email contact from another person on SS on my computer.

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I know this is off-topic, but as everyone is probably aware, Australia is a hotbed of lies and propaganda from main-stream media and government agencies, State and Federal. The latest political circus event involving Senator Lydia Thorpe, during which she has embarrassed herself with her invective-laden outbursts seems to me to be high theatre designed to distract the population from something happening in the background. I was wondering if anyone could think of what the actual event is that we're meant to be distracted from seeing.

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On checking the current vaccination data from the national register, there are now less than 450,000 Untermenchen (Unvaxxed) in a population of 25,499,884. Another interesting statistic, over fifty percent of that number all reside in QLD. Stick that in your pipe Queen "I am protecting my people" Palaszczuk and CHO Janette (Not treated a patient in 14 years) Young.

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Just because a study says this does not make it real. The doctors speak a great deal about the cytokine storm. Maybe stick to politics and keep away from medicine.

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Medicine has been politicised .

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It’s more complicated...Study says that around 60% of the Covid intubated patients had at least one instance of ventilator acquired pneumonia. Looks like Covid itself compared to other illnesses increases the possibility of this but it could be the hospital protocols that are responsible. People without ventilator acquired pneumonia still died too.

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The study used verified observational and treatment data in a clinical setting, it does not get any better than that. Yes they do "talk about the Cytokine storm" some doctors at least but not those who are in the "System". Feel free to demonstrate differently. If you had read all the information provided and linked, you would have noted this by two of the principle authors. ".... if cytokine storm were underlying the long length of stay we see in patients with COVID-19, we would expect to see frequent transitions to states that are characterized by multi-organ failure. That’s not what we saw., If patients were dying of Cytokine Storm the data of their treatment would reflect that" I think "Fact check thyself" should be the eleventh commandment these days.

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Christensen sound have said that in his piece instead he told us the headlines. I prefer other actual doctors to comment on this.

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He did say that, what do you not understand about all the links to the data, study and supporting article did you miss. All you had to do was go and read the information for yourself,. No that would be too high an expectation, instead you chose to point the finger of blame again instead of learning from the rest us then you claim you want actual doctors to comment. So tell us which part of the author listing did you miss where the two principle authors are professors of respiratory medicine and the sub authors are all in the same profession.. Gotta be said. get off your lazy backside and read it instead of moaning and blaming GC and everyone else for your shortfalls.

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And here is the very reason that this page is so very poor. Engaging g in personal abuse and being impolite is just not good good enough.

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Feel free to note which comment specifically abuses you instead of just playing the victim. The comments in my response stated the facts you chose to ignore and then blame others for your failure to do your own due diligence.

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It is about politics. Because politicians world wide adhered to false medical procedures even though they knew they were wrong.

Doctors and other medical staff who tried to warn them of the failings were SACKED and had their licences cancelled.

Politicians bribed and coerced people to get the "medical" covid jab even though they KNEW it was rushed, unproven and untested.

Things overlap - like medicine and politics. The economy and politics. Education and politics.

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