Canberra rally is definitely NOT on this Sun 5th. One Nation has postponed it until a parliamentary sitting day - date to be advised. Hope you all have a great day on Sunday & hopefully see some of you in Canberra when that one happens.

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Arrogance of those who are PAID to represent those who put them is a position of power must understand that they ultimately are the ones being judged, and if they don't know it, there is a judge of all judges who will inevitably make a judgement. His name is above every other name, JESUS !.

ARROGANCE comes at a cost that one might well NOT be prepared to pay.

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.

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hope this will be successful Senator Roberts speaks well Sorry unable to attend

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Govt knows too much about each of us to need more. We employ & pay them to lead country instead of intruding on personal lives. From birth to death we are being recorded marriage divorce death education workstyle earnings taxation health census for population movements & growth All tht's appearing is Misinformation & checks

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Right on schedule (just like with the Freedom marches), Metro in Melbourne are doing 'track works' and buses are replacing trains on the Belgrave line on Sunday. We will get there anyway!

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Wishing everyone attending a wonderful day. I am hoping to get there after my son's soccer game. I will be there in spirit - always remember that every person counts. Be blessed!

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