First time I ever saw that written, I think on a bus, I wondered what it meant. I looked and thought I’m already in country why do I need to say that or hear it. Took me a while to realise it was being said everywhere. In shops, chemists , supermarkets etc. usually written somewhere. I just thought it was really strange and unnecessary.

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Thanks for highlighting this ( today's) attack by this government .... worst government ever

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This welcoming to our own country is out of control BS. The national anthem in schools is ruined with the didgeridoo accompaniment, we have the so-called Aboriginal flag & Torres Strait Island flag sharing pride of place with our nation's proper flag, and don't get me started over Australia Day.

These aboriginal marxists do nothing for genuine aboriginal people. Their only goal is to sow division in society and further their own interests.

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Here is a thought and something that has not been considered, that individual was only there for one reason and that was to do what they have done. This is going to happen more and more at events run by Christians. These aboriginal activists are just useful idiots of the 'globomarxists' at the UN, WEF and other organisations. Uneducated sock puppets who fail to understand the people they are working for will deal with them the same way they have dealt with their useful idiots if they ever gain total control. That will be a quick trip to a labour camp or worse a re educational round to the back of the head.

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Never saw welcome or smoking ceremony or non historical manufactured flag or big beer bellies in my early years & resent seeing this flag parody & Torres Strait one being hoisted on govt buildings Straits has long drifted from mainland & Mabo calls for land rights didnt fit all Australia surely review of land rights needed for both sides Time local blacks stopped listening to American BLM talk as their experiences differ greatly to here Learn about civilisation forget payback based on ancient history & work together towards a united country Felt deep disgust when viewing Adelaide Anzac Day an indigenous woman dressed in designer possum skin cloak to stand up quoting & reconstructing psalm 23 as an "Invasion" story about colonisation .Believe she later apologised but damage done for all peoples & Queensland indigenous politician travelled to America recently & expensively to support indigenous matters

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The talk is 'communist' driven, BLM, Indigenous nationalists, Climatism, its all rooted in Communism. Look at all the people behind the 'Voice' Langton, Albanese and Labor, Pat Anderson, Greens, Burney. Thomas Mayo, all of them Communist. The 'Leftists' have been working their way into our institutions for over five decades and now they have succeeded and are undermining us from within. What people need to be well aware of is one simple fact that trips everyone up. Communists, Greens, Socialists, Fascists, any other ist of group, political party or organisation. All of them are designed for one purpose, to divide and conquer in order to bring about totalitarian control, this time at the global level.

You might find this series enlightening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oiopOCE4P4

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George, If we’re unable to watch the discussion until later on Tuesday evening will it be possible to see it streamed?

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"Ernie Dingo's dance troupe came up with the impromptu new routine in 1976 after an awkward stand-off with Maori and Cook Islanders who refused to perform at an arts festival until they were ritually welcomed."


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