Future is a cloudy vision due to this nonsense about climate change and a PM crawling to European leaders who have no inking or care of life in the southern hemisphere. Our finances are being thrown to every troubled nation as PM plays the Big Man getting Australia recognised globally Must be listening to that Klaus Whatshisname ( Klawed Squab) a suspicious character with a smooth slick mouth and cold heart for people whom he considers of lesser degree to his elite status,whatever that is overseas. That weak UN should refuse aid to leaders of countries of high migration level until they can prove independently that they are caring for their people and the country not luxuriating in easy money Are our politicians becoming indifferent to the blue collar family ? Break down the family unit and society will suffer badly as it is the backbone of all love care respect decency and tolerance

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You have both beautifully articulated what many in ' the small group ' are aware/conscious of.

Now, how to support each other in remaining vocal through both the written and spoken word and of course in what we do or do not do.

I have listened twice and will do so again no doubt. Thank you George.

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Please have a look at this solar panel maker company-100% The largest in the world. This is a Chinese company but using Canadian citizenship to make the company'Canadian'. This company is now in Australia. It has to stop! https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/canadian-solar-completes-sale-of-two-solar-farms-totaling-345-mwp-in-new-south-wales-australia-301582155.html

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Mattias Desmet brilliantly explains the how, why, and what happened over the exaggerated 'Covid-Hysteria Plandemic' of the past 2 years, plus the numerous other 'fear-based' fantasies like 'Climate Change' that have been foisted on the general masses for decades. His description of 'Mass Formation' is critical and fundamaental to understanding the deception and darkeness that awaits us if we do not oppose this hypnotic propaganda. This is also ties into other MSM/Gov propaganda operations used by groups such as the CIA and their 'Operation Mockingbird' programme, that continues unabated. Thank you George for the excellent interview and teasing out the salient points and letting him expound the situation so clearly.

While it is a Herculean task to change the general psyche of the majority population to the deception they have swallowed, there is still much hope. That requires only a small number of well-educated individuals, who know the facts and can articulate them with calm, genuine, non-judmental dialogue. The best way to do this is 'one-on-one' conversations with friends, family, aquantances, colleagues, and so on, by gently and slowly feeding them little 'tid-bits' or 'modules' of information and facts that expose the false narratives they have been hypnotised to believe. Believe me this works, as I have woken up hundreds about Covid with this methodology, which then spreads within their own inner-circle. But it takes time, effort, plus control to not go to hard or long on the subject, otherwise, they will shut down, go into denial, be overwhelmed, and so on...and are then a lost cause.

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