It was absolutely shocking, especially following on from the scamdemic psyop, to see how most people fell for the manufactured 'defence' of freedom' Ukrainian war. It brought home, yet again, that most people simply can't and don't want to think for themselves. They will believe what government and controlled media tell them, even when all the evidence they need to form an independent opinion is fully accessible. Same as it ever was....

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Please, do not make comments about history when you do not know. Western part of the Ukraine has been under 'Russian yoke' since 1939 and the Eastern part since ~1650. Readers expect better from you. We can read propaganda in other media, we do't need lies.

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I very much know this history. Part of my family came from Crimea.

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I can't stand the tinpot puppet dictotor Zelenski, he should rot in jail as far as I'm concerned. That said I find it disgusting that Trump's priority is to strip Ukraine of minerals, rather than stop a war and fix a dire mess, that his US predecessors created. This to me is exactly like putting a person into debt for medical treatment for an injury sustained by a vaccine they were forced to take.

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A great overview and excellent summary George. For those wanting to extra insight into the western asset Zelensky and his corruption, watch the documentary 'Agent Zelensky' by US Intelligence Analyst, Scott Ritter.

See: https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/07/13/scott-ritter-investigation-agent-zelensky-part-1/


The Neocons (Victoria Nuland, Von Der Leyden, Dick & Liz Cheney, John Bolton, John McCain, Keir Stamer, Macron, et al) in NATO, Britain, France, US, etc, running this 'operation', are pushing for war with Russia at all costs. Their dream has always been to destroy Russia and steal the assets (the richest country in the world in natural resources) for themselves. The reason they are pushing so hard and desperately now is that Europe is in full economic collapse and the EU is also disintegrating. The only hope for them to overt a full depression/ecominic crash is WAR - countries always go to war for economic reasons. A good site to read on this is Armstrong Economics or watch any interview by Martin Armstrong. See:https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/europes-current-economy/the-neocon-coup-of-europe-why-zelensky-does-not-want-peace/

or watch the recent interview:


Hopefully, Trump, Vance et al can stop this otherwsie, war, possible WWIII is inevitable. We should all pray for peace and that Zelensky & the Neocon puppet state Ukraine collapses soon.

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Great article and you didn't even touch on the fiasco of the Minsk agreement

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Thank you George ... I always knew there was something smelly here and it wasn't dead fish!

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Oh.. all the intrigue is too much. how on earth do you unravel all the threads. I just feel for the ethic Russian/Ukraine families caught in the cross-fire by virtue of where they happen to live.

The lust for greed and power whichever way you look. There is the axiom - in the end 'there is no honor amongst thieves'. I dont have to be surprised then, that Kier Starmer is offering Zelenski billions of dollars at the expense of the British people.

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